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Who owns Thalavady Chundan ? Is it a club or a person or a local group ? Let's get into this. Please post your answer and comments on the ownership of Thalavady Chundan below.
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2 Answers

Best answer
Thalavady Town Boat Club own the Thalavady Chundan Boat and it's associated services.
Thalavady Town Boat Club administrate the activities of Thalavady Chundan and it's crews.

Anyone near Thalavady village can buy the shares of Thalavady Town Boat Club and can enjoy the privilege of it's ownership via shareholding.
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If so I would like to buy a share of Thalavadi Chundan or Thalavady Town Boat Club. I wish to know more details on buying a share in Thalavady Chundan.
People living in Thalavady Village are the real owners of Thalavady chundan.
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